Lion’s Gate Portal: Starseeds and Lightworkers, it’s time to work your magic and embody your gifts

Harness this potent energy to activate your gifts, set new intentions or build momentum on your current endeavors.

The Lions Gate portal in an auspicious time of the year where we are able to receive high level energy upgrades and downloads of information from the cosmos.

Utilize this energy to catapult you into your highest timeline so that you can activate your soul's blueprint to the next level.

It’s time to work your magic and embody your gifts and spiritual information. We are living in such an exciting and amazing time in history as awakened soul’s who are here at such a pivotal to usher in higher consciousness and healing for ourselves, loved ones and the collective at large.

During this workshop series you will...

  • Learn ways to harness this alchemical energy to catapult the momentum of your desires.
  • Experience a transformational journey to align with your soul’s blueprint and highest timeline. Mp3
  • Receive a DNA activation to awaken your gifts and deeper remembrance of your soul’s purpose.
  • Channeled messages from Star Guides who are here to assist you in your awakening journey.
  • Receive access to a recorded Transformational live collective group clairvoyant reading and clearing to integrate this energetic upgrade with more ease and grace. 
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