Elevate Your Mindset to Soul Success

Are you ready for a 21 day journey to support you in stepping further into soul alignment so that you can be an energetic match to receive everything you are asking for?

Whether you are new in business or ready for a bigger game, this 21 day self-guided journey is for you if you are ready to claim your creative power and rewrite your story, shift out of struggle and into expansion, and are DONE allowing that voice of fear to limit your success and happiness!

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success

A 21 Day Journey to Upleveling Your Mindset to Align with Your Next Level Goals

I know this practice is a massive game changer. It’s an essential piece that’s needed to expand your business and make the income and impact you desire as you step into your Leader Power!

During these 21 days you will...

  • Receive 21 daily prompts to elevate your ability to attract and align to your soul’s desires with ease
  • Receive and practice a meditation to get you tuned in and set tone for your day
  • Receive (2) 20 minute video trainings to set yourself up for success with a morning routine
  • Align and expand into your next level desires in a way that feels fun and easy
  • Receive 3 powerful Angel of Abundance channeled readings that offer great insights and next steps to upleveling
  • Transform your beliefs from limiting to empowered and inspired
  • Gain clarity on your highest path and soul’s calling

The intention of this program is to help you create a commitment to consistency to your morning routine and creation process process which is imperative to elevate your soul success.  

You will receive access to daily journal prompts, mindset tools and inspiration to expand your mind and transform your limitations so you can uplevel in a way that feels empowering, fun and aligned with your soul.
You can use these tools and prompts over and over again to anchor this upleveled mindset and create the success you desire on your terms.  There is not just “one” way to set up your morning success and creation ritual. It is about taking these pieces and making them work for you as you transform the limitations that holds  you back from your next level vision.
(Value of Program:  $197)

Only $97

Click below to sign up and get instant access!


21 Modules

Day 1

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 1:

I feel like it’s really essential to lay the foundation for you to get the most out of this program, and so today we are going to start with an important training, “Set Yourself Up For Success with Your Morning Routine”.

So get comfortable and grab your journal so you can take some notes.  Once you've listened to this training, today's journal prompt is going to be short and sweet, but powerful nonetheless.

Keep in mind as we go through the next 21 days that some of these exercises or prompts you may have done before, or they may feel very simple, or in some cases they might stretch you and feel uncomfortable. All of them are very valuable and each time you do them will likely yield something different as you are continually growing and changing. So keep an open mind and have an intention to be expansion into your next level YOU. Most importantly, be sure you commit to journaling each day (our ego and resistance can be sneaky.)

Take a moment to close your eyes and tune inward focusing on deep cleansing breathes. Or listen to the short guided meditation to get centered. 

Day 2

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 2:

The first step is really having the awareness of those little voices in our minds that tell us we cannot have something that we want… Or maybe it says that selfish… Or it's too expensive… what will people think of me… Creating a business or money is hard… The list is endless.

In the beginning, you may even want to have a small notepad in your purse with you or in your car to write down in the moment when you notice yourself having these types of arguments or limitations or fear in your mind or in conversations with other people.

Now, we really want to focus more on our desires and how we want to feel and what we want to create more then those things we don't want.  However, it's imperative that we understand our beliefs and start watching our mind like a hawk to see where we are limiting ourselves and fighting for our fears.   

Be gentle with yourself in this process. It's important not to judge yourself by feeling like you “should” already be over this block, since you addressed it many times. The truth is sometimes they keep coming back into your awareness to show you what needs attention and shifting.  This allows for deeper and deeper layers of healing creating ownership to truly take your  power back. I invite you to step into it with a level of curiosity and compassion. We cannot transform or create that which we resist or judge. 

Day 3

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 3:

Today it'll be short and sweet. If you haven't already, be sure to start with a short guided morning meditation to help you tune in and set the tone for  your day and your journaling session. Feel free to use your own mediation practice if you prefer, or download this one.


Day 3 Journaling Prompt:

For today's prompt, I want you to tune inward for a moment and ask yourself, “What does success mean to me?”  

As always, without filtering or thinking too much, free flow write a couple pages about this topic. It may include the tangible aspects of success which is fine, you may also want to dig a little a deeper and explore how success “feels” to you. To dig to the deeper meaning you can keep asking “why” do you want this.  

You will get to the core nugget or desire behind of what success means for you.  It can also be telling as to some sneaky limits or fears lurking around this topic of success. This is great  note and unpack so you can reframe a new belief and own what you what knowing that you deserve it!

Day 4

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 4:

Today I want you to focus on things that you love and appreciate. Literally a rampage of all the people and things around you that you are super grateful for. This attitude of gratitude also begins to magnetize more of those experiences into your life.  This is actually a practice that you can do daily if you choose.  When you read back through your list it serves as a pivot point to turn you out of a funk and into joy in a short time.

As a reminder, be sure to start with a short guided morning meditation to help you tune in and set the tone for  your day and your journaling session. Feel free to use your own mediation practice if you prefer, or download this one.


Angel of Abundance Reading

I've put together a special Angel Card Reading for you, and you can access it inside the membership site. 


Day 4 Journaling Prompt:

For today's journaling prompt, use the sentences below as a prompt you write over and again. You can use one or all of the below options. Just let ‘er rip….  This is a powerful exercise to really get into appreciation about what you already have around you. 

1. I love..fill in the blank
2. I appreciate...fill in the blank
3. I am grateful for …...fill in the blank….

Day 5

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 5:

Today’s prompt is going to be fun! It’s great to do a couple times a month to really get a clear overview of how you want your life to be. 

Before you dive in, be sure to start with a short guided morning meditation to help you tune in and set the tone for  your day and your journaling session. Feel free to use your own mediation practice if you prefer, or download this one.


Day 5 Journaling Prompt:

You are going to free flow three lists.  Don’t overthink it or worry about it if you repeat yourself. No filter, no limits.  This how you start to train yourself to connect with your deeper desires and find alignment.  

The first list is who are you “being”. Tune into how you want to be showing up in your relationships, for yourself, and to the world at large. Example: Compassionate with self, patient with children, visible online for business..etc.

The second list is checking in with what you want to “do” or “experience”.  This could include special time with children, career, vacations, go to gym consistently ect.

The third list is what you want to “have” in your life. This could be material things, more support around the house or from husband, a housecleaner, best selling author, income goal ect. 

Start each statement within each list with “I am” and write and feel as if it's happening now in present tense:

“I am ….(Fill in blank of who you are being)"  
“I am… ( fill in what you are doing)”
“I am … ( so excited I have a housekeeper… I am a best selling author..fill in blanks)”

As you read back through really connect with the feeling and belief it is possible. This is often where I will include my visualization work to really sink into the feeling and using my imagination to see it as if it is happening Now, in the present.  

Another key, is to notice as you are writing or visualizing, if you have a fear, doubt or negative mind chatter coming up. This is the lead you can turn to Gold.  Your desires cannot manifest if you do not truly believe it's possible or that you are worthy of receiving it.  Take the time to notice what it is an reframe it by digging deeper into what belief is going on and choosing a new one you want to embody instead. You can also jot down in your list of “ beliefs you are transforming”. I will be sharing more options on how to do this.

Right now, as you learned in Day 2, awareness and surrender to not need to know how your desires will come to fruition and being open and curious to let God/Universe handle the “how” is a great start. You can use Day 2’s journal process to shift your mindset. 

Day 6

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 6:

Today I want to share another way to take your power back and melt away your fears and resistances so you can be the divine creator you are.  God did not intend for you to suffer and struggle. Lack of faith and allowing fears and doubts to run the show is what holds you apart from all that you desire.  

Before you dive in, be sure to start with a short guided morning meditation to help you tune in and set the tone for  your day and your journaling session. Feel free to use your own mediation practice if you prefer, or download this one.


Day 6 Journaling Prompt:

Today I want you to play a game of make a wish. The prompt you will start with is  “If I could wave a magic wand this is how things would be.” And allow a free flow.  If your process gets stuck in what to write, You can begin again with the statement again. This is a great tool to move out of resistance and into possibility. It allows you mind to let go of the need to try to figure it out.  It creates  an opening for curiosity and possibility to exist.  Choose an a situation that you feel really stuck that you really want to change. Write the story in present tense refarming what is not working in present tense as if it were how you want it instead.

“If I could wave a magic wand……( state how you would want the situation to be instead, how you would want to be experiencing it)”

For instance, If you feel stuck in a soul sucking job and desire to make money doing what you love instead, but feel defeated in how to make the shift…. You could start with something like this.  If I could wave a magic wand and have things my way…I would love my purpose driven business to organically take off. It was so easy. Opportunities just keep coming out of the blue. I have enough energy and time to devote to building my dream business. I would allow God/Universe to figure out the and be ready and willing to allow it to unfold magically. I love that soul aligned clients come to me out of the blue and seek my services. It feels so great to be sharing my gifts and living in alignment with my purpose making plenty of money doing what I love. My clients appreciate me and gladly pay me for my services.

Day 7

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 7:

We are going to build on the last couple days and get even clearer on what you want your life experience to be.  As always, before you dive in, be sure to start with a short guided morning meditation to help you tune in and set the tone for  your day and your journaling session. Feel free to use your own mediation practice if you prefer, or download this one.


Day 7 Journaling Prompt:

Today you are going tune in and write in present tense, a detailed story of what a day in the ideal life of your next level self would be experiencing. I want you to start from morning to night.  Include what you want, how you feel and why you are so happy to be living this experience.  

For example, you could start out waking up with your beloved, describe your room and house if you desire an upgrade.. Your morning routine, perhaps you have always wanted a personal trainer or a house cleaner so you could have more quality time with family... If you desire support write about it as if you have it... How it feels to be living your life... Why it means so much to you.  Write it as if it were a diary entry.

Ready, set, go... Enjoy dreaming into your future and feeling as if it were now. This is great to also visualize and as you write it and read it notice yourself connecting with the “feeling” of this experience in present time.

Day 8

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 8:

Today I want to share a powerful and important aspect to upleveling your life and business to the next level of success and happiness.  You must take action from the space of already having what you are wanting to create. This can be tricky and often where I see slip back into fear and lack, essentially keeping them stuck in the same place on repeat.  
This requires building that faith muscle that God/Universe has your back.  I am sure you have heard, “leap and then net will appear.”  This is so true. The more we trust and believe the process the more quickly and easily we can change our outer world. 

Go watch today's video, 3 Tips to Accelerate Your Success.
Really notice when you want something and you deny yourself the pleasure or desire.  This is sending a signal of fear, lack and doubt. When  you do that, you attract more of that same fear, lack and doubt. Not because you are not worth it, but because you believe it is out of reach for one reason or another.  Some most common excuses are not enough time, energy, money… perhaps feeling selfish.  The list goes on. 

Don't forget to continue the daily meditation... Feel free to use your own mediation practice if you prefer, or download this one.

Day 9

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 9:

Deep, soul fulfilling success is affected by all different areas of life. It is a holistic balance and when you uplevel one area, other areas are sure to follow.  I like to write out the question and answers as a dialogue in the journal. It’s like an inquiry with your soul. 

Don't forget to continue the daily meditation... Feel free to use your own mediation practice if you prefer, or download this one.


Day 9 Journaling Prompt:

Today’s topic is your relationship with yourself and your body.  

1. The first step is free flow journaling about what comes to mind as you just allow your thoughts and feelings to be expressed without a filter.  This maybe a topic you feel great about in which case you can journal in present tense about all that you love and that is working and then skip to step 3.   

If this is a topic or you have an area within this topic that  you would like to experience differently, such as more personal time for your passions, self care, feel low energy or negative body image ect.  I would suggest you unpack these emotions a bit and start out by writing an emotional brain dump. Get all the thoughts and feelings out and then move onto step 2.

2. What do you you want to feel or think instead?  Example you could also be more specific with your second question such as if you expressed poor body image you could start the next inquiry, What would it be like if I loved my body? Just let yourself free flow on what you desire instead.

3. What action can I take today in order to experience….fill in the blank with what you desired above.  Ex. What action would I take if I was in love with my body?

4. The write out, I commit to….. (one or two actions that support what you desire.) I commit to drinking more water, taking a 15 min walk outside. Then of course, put it in calendar and do it as an act of self love.

Day 10

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 10:

As a reminder, reep, soul fulfilling success is affected by all different areas of life. It is a holistic balance and when you uplevel one area, other areas are sure to follow.  And today’s topic is your relationship with money.  As always, don't forget to continue the daily meditation... Feel free to use your own mediation practice if you prefer, or download this one.


Day 10 Journaling Prompt:


  1. The first step is free flow journaling about what comes to mind as you just allow your thoughts and feelings to be expressed without a filter around the topic of money. This can be a loaded topic in one way or another. One that I believe can always be expanded on.  Whether it is guilt over debt, not enough savings, feeling guilty you have more than those around you, alway living with just enough month to month, wanting to feel safe and secure, being able to work less and make more.  Get all the fear and lack based thoughts and feelings out on the paper.
  2. What do you you want to feel or think instead?  Just let yourself free flow on what you desire instead.  Quite literally, you can look at what you wrote above and flip into the opposite experience as a way to begin rewriting your money story.  
  3. What action can I take today in order to experience….fill in the blank with what you desired above.
  4. I commit to …..fill in blank with a next step. It could be as simple as setting $5 in savings or paying a little extra on a credit card as an example of how to get started taking action on what can feel overwhelming. Make the steps feel doable.


Day 11

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 11:

Today's topic is your relationship with yourself.  Deep, soul fulfilling success is affected by all different areas of life. It is a holistic balance and when you uplevel one area, other areas are sure to follow.   Feel free to use your own mediation practice if you prefer, or download this one.


Day 11 Journaling Prompt:


  1. The first step is free flow journaling about what comes to mind as you just allow your thoughts and feelings to be expressed without a filter around your relationship.  You may want to close your eyes and just see who pops in your mind. It could be spouse, children, a friend, coworker. Just see who is most present in your mind.  You may want a closer relationship, clearer communication, more respect etc.
  2. What do you you want to feel or think instead?  Just let yourself free flow on what you desire instead.  
  3. What action can I take today in order to experience….fill in the blank with what you desired above.
  4. I commit to …..fill in blank with a next step.


Day 12

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 12:

This is the last day in this particular format of journaling. It may feel redundant, however this is a powerful tool to master. Before long you will be able to skip straight away to writing your desires in the present and create an action step that you can connect to.

The reason it is so important to address the underlying feelings and thoughts is because you cannot create very much on top of a faulty foundation You will experience two steps forward one step back and become frustrated with repeating patterns This is a simple yet powerful way to tend to your garden, so to speak.

Feel free to use your own mediation practice if you prefer, or download this one.


Day 12 Journaling Prompt:


  1. The first step is free flow journaling about what comes to mind as you just allow your thoughts and feelings to be expressed without a filter around your career, purpose or passions.  
  2. What do you you want to feel or think instead?  Just let yourself free flow on what you desire instead.  
  3. What action can I take today in order to experience….fill in the blank with what you desired above.
  4. I commit to …..fill in blank with a next step.


Day 13

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 13:

You are doing amazing!  Each new awareness or mindset shift you have begins a trickle effect of expansion and transformation.  Taking the time to do the deeper work allows for a beautiful evolution that creates the space and fertility for your dreams and desires to manifest.  

Be sure to watch the Angel of Abudance video.

Feel free to use your own mediation practice if you prefer, or download this one.

Day 14

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 14:

I love this acronym I created for my TLC body meditation. It works wonderfully coupled with journaling. Today's exercise is really about getting you into clear communication with your body's needs.

Taking care of your body does a number of powerful things for you. Will help you raise your vibration so that your manifestations come to you more quickly, it will open up your awareness of your intuition, and will help you have more clarity focus and energy throughout your day.

So I ask you begin to tune in today you can start by placing your hand on your heart and your belly and taking a few nice deep breathes in. Once you feel centered, going to start with T which stands for talk to your body. As you quiet down you may notice tension or an emotion that you didn't previously recognize. Or possibly you knew you were feeling stressed out,  in which case that's a perfect place to start.

The next step is L which stands for listen to your body.  Without trying to make too much sense of it, notice what thoughts, feelings,ideas, or visions come to you when you focus on the area of your body that's calling your attention.

The last step is C for  commit… Commit to your bodies needs...put it on the calendar and take action.


Day 14 Journaling Prompt:

Take some time to journal this process. Whether you choose to do it at the end of the entire meditation, or if you choose to do it at each step along the way. Remember not to filter or try to make too much sense of it just simply notice what your body's needs are and commit to that TLC by taking action today.

Day 15

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 15:

When you incorporate more play, fun and joy into  your  life and business you're automatically going to attract more things that bring that feeling into your experience. Abundance in all areas of your life  is a natural byproduct of being in alignment and when you are in alignment you will feel joy and pleasure. So really….you actually make more money and experience more fulfillment when you are allowing yourself to enjoy life, let loose and play.  This is also how you can create space for new creative ideas and downloads to come rushing in because it gets you out of your head and into your heart. 


Day 15 Journaling Prompt:

Here are some questions to get you started on your free flow journaling.

If I were to approach my day with my main focus to have more fun (joy or play), what would I do?

How can I bring more joy (play or fun) to my business? (You can choose any area as a focus that you are not enjoying, even topics like paying the bills)

Take a moment at the end and really feel and visualize the energy and activity your journaled about ….really embody the essence. Then of course put it on your calendar to do!  Success comes from taking the aligned and inspired action consistently. 

Day 16

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 16:

This is an important topic to consider because if you are undercharging for your time and services often this will stop money from flowing in because you feel this lack of alignment and under valued for your time and energy.

 There are a number of ways you can check in.  Notice if you are afraid to raise your prices because of fear or lack that clients won’t want to invest that much.  Possibly it is time to add a new service offering in addition to what you already offer, such as a longer program.  Notice what happens to your body when you tune in to the idea of charging more or how aligned your current offerings are.

All of this is very telling if you are making decision from alignment and abundance...or scarcity, fear and lack.  It may also uncover some limiting beliefs you have around charging for your gifts. If those come up, it’s an opportunity to  transform this belief to a new empowered reality. God does not want anyone suffering or struggling, that is a fear based choice. Many people I have worked with, including myself had to clear old beliefs around believing wealth is not spiritual. You can’t have both.  Or another one that comes up a lot is guilty of wanting more because of so many “suffering” with less.  

Money is not finite or limited. The truth is there is unlimited abundance to be created. If you think about imagine if all the wealth and power was in the hands of heart centered entrepreneurs?  Do you think that would make the world a better place? Absolutely, it allows you to reach more people with your message of empowerment and love. It also allows you to be able to support those charities in need that are close to your heart. 


Day 16 Journaling Prompt:

Tune in and allow yourself to journal on this topic, whether if it's around giving yourself a raise, or if you aren't self employed, asking for a raise or applying to the next level position etc. Or if you got triggered or recognized a limiting belief in your space you want to transform, that is great too. 

Here are a few prompts for you:

How do you feel about raising your rates? What comes up if consider this?

If it feels aligned to raise straight away, tune into ways to offer larger packages or what rate feels like your next step

If you find any fear based thoughts, transform the fear to Gold and get to the root of the lie and journal on your new beliefs and choices.

Day 17

It's Day 17 and today is all about how upleveling your success requires a lot of faith and trust.  Remember that God is your source.  You are made in the image and likeness of your creator… and the universe is an unlimited ever expanding energy of abundance.  

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 17:

Remembering to continuously surrender worrying or trying to micromanage  “How” something manifests is a huge key to creating. Instead having trust and faith in the process. Truly surrendering to the creative process and allowing your dreams and desires to come to you. It is a co-creative process in the sense you must do your part by moving through the false fear based limitations and take the divinely guided action. The problem occurs when you forget that God is your source and instead  get in your head trying to figure it out “how” or worse, not taking any action and dismissing your dreams because you have already decided it is impossible.  We have all done this at some time or another to different degrees.  It so powerful to immediately hand over the worry and choose to build more trust and faith in the process.

I invite you to continue to surrender the “How” and instead allow and receive, knowing you are worthy of all your hearts desires.


Day 17 Journaling Prompt:

What does Godfidence mean to you?

This is a good topic to free flow on… Choose something that you are creating that feels a little (or alot) out of reach and write a letter choosing to letting go control of how things will manifest and choose instead to trust more. Not only trusting God/Universe, but also trusting yourself to do your part. This will help you get to the bottom of what the real fear, whether is deservingness or trust,  so you can open up more to receiving and allowing. This is all about trusting, letting go and letting God…..Godfidence.

“Even though I don't know how (your situation) will come to fruition ( or be resolved) I fully trust and surrender this to God/Universe now knowing it is already done in spiritual truth.

Even though a part of me feels ( free flow what comes up as why it feels impossible) …...

I choose to trust now and allow…(free flow….)

Day 18

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 18:

Go watch today's Angel of Abundance video.

Please also continue to do the short guided morning meditation each morning to help you tune in and set the tone for your day and your journaling session. Feel free to use your own mediation practice if you prefer, or you can use mine.


Day 18 Journaling Prompt:

I have shared with you different ways to release resistance and into flow, and alignment throughout this program. Today, I am going to ask you to work on being present and really noticing and appreciating your surroundings as you go through your day.  Pay special attention to all of your senses. What are you hearing, feeling.  If you want to do a walking meditation you can notice what you are seeing, as well. You can even make doing the dishes a meditation by noticing the warmth of the water on your hands.  The  key is to be present throughout your day. The power is in present sounds simple, yet profound when you truly live into this.

I love to go outside and place my barefeet on the ground as I tune inward. If you can do this exercise outside would be wonderful. Nature has  such a healing presence.  If not, you can still do this from inside using your intention and imagination. You may want to hold a crystal as a way to connect, especially if in doors.

As you close your eyes, consciously connect with the earth. Really feel the earth energy below your feet, notice the breeze on your face, the birds chirping. Trees have a strong grounding energy as well. There is messages all around. Allow nature to speak to you. You can simply ask what message the tree, earth, animal, crystal ect has for you today…. And simply notice and take it in without much thought.  It is easy to get in your head and think you are making it all up. The truth is everything has a life force of its own and a  gift to share.

Journal your experience of what message does nature have for you today?

Day 19

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 19:

I have talked a lot about the importance of taking the aligned action. While I do believe the inner game pieces of clarity, alignment and allowing yourself to receive are imperative and the bulk of the “work”. You must take the aligned and inspired action or nothing much will change.

Please also continue to do the short guided morning meditation each morning to help you tune in and set the tone for your day and your journaling session. Feel free to use your own mediation practice if you prefer, or you can use mine here.


Day 19 Journaling Prompt:

Today I am going to ask you to get honest. After you take a moment to tune in, think about something you are creating that isn’t materializing as fast as you would like. Write out the intention in present tense as if you were experiencing it. (side note: I know this is repetitious to journal your desires in present tense, but that is how you get it in your entire space mental, physical, emotional and energetic space and create new beliefs and neural pathways so it can come into your life. As well, as uncover the negative mind chatter and beliefs holding you apart from your desires)

Once you have journaled your intention, take another sheet of paper and write without filter all the reasons you believe or feel that you can not create what you want. Let it all out. You can reframe those beliefs if you choose. It’s always good to note what you find out that you actually believe that is working against you especially if it’s deeply engrained. Or you can simply throw it away, burn it or whatever. Sometimes just the awareness of those fears and lies will allow it to shift and move into action. Next, get out another sheet of paper and look at your initial intention you journaled and tune in and ask yourself, “ What next steps can I take today?” What do I need to prioritize in my life to make room for this to come to fruition?”

Day 20

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 20:

Upleveling requires honesty with yourself on so many levels.

It requires you to be honest with declaring what it is you actually desire without apology.

It requires a strong belief that is possible for you and you are worthy of receiving it.

It also requires getting honest with those parts of yourself that you may not want to see or admit.

Today, think of someone or something that really triggers you. Even though, you may want to feel happy for others successes and consciously know that competition is not real and there is enough success and abundance for everyone…

Does it ever make you feel, jealous they have the success or lifestyle you want and you don’t?

Do you feel a tinge of resentment that it’s unfair that you have worked just has hard as a peer or friend, yet you are not seeing the results?

Do you feel like you go into competition mode, in an unhealthy way or possibly shut down feeling hopeless and less than, questioning whether you are really able to have the life you dream of or make the impact in the world your heart desires?

This is natural, we all have these thoughts or feelings in one way or another. It is so important to acknowledge them instead of judge them. Acceptance of all parts of yourself is so essential to really allow yourself to grow, heal and create success and life on your terms…Soul Success.

It is a game changer, not only for the level of success you will expand into when you address these feelings, but also the amount of fulfillment, joy and love you will experience in your life and business. Allow these feelings a voice, then make a conscious decision to choose a new belief. Choose to see these as signposts to help you grow and heal so you too can embody that level of alignment, success and abundance.. Choose to see them as a reflection of you and what is possible for you. Use this trigger as fuel to see what is possible and available for you. People are mirrors of ourselves and our greatness. What you see in others, you also have within yourself. Release the resistance and judgment of “what is” in this moment and love yourself with fierce compassion as you would your child or best friend.


Day 20 Journaling Prompt:

Journal about what triggers jealousy in you. Let the feelings out, choose to love it and honor all parts of you. Keep going by asking what is underneath this that you are truly feeling. Journal on this how you choose radical self love and acceptance and the knowing that what you see in others is within you as well. See yourself as a divine child, perfect whole and complete.

Day 21

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 21:

YAY - You've made it to the final day!

You did it!  You stuck with it and stayed committed to this process. I am so thrilled for you because I know that you just created a massive transformation for yourself that will continue to unfold.  It is not about perfection, who cares if you missed some days. My intention was to help you create some consistency to your morning routine that includes communing with your soul and your divine source. The process of letting go of  fear and limiting beliefs so you can uncover the truth of who you are is so empowering . You are a powerful creator and divine being.  You have unlimited resources available at all times.

God is your source. It’s kind of silly when you stop and think about all the way we unconsciously or sometimes consciously limit ourselves. When that happens, you have forgotten the truth of who you are and temporarily bought into the fear based limitations of this human experience. I get it, I really do. I catch myself fighting for my fears and arguing with my angels from time to time..lol.  The key is recognizing it and using the tools you have to heal,  pivot and get back in flow instead of resistance.  

Elevate Your Mindset for Soul Success - Day 21:

Today is a fun one. I suggest even using this beyond your journaling. You can do this or many of the exercises in your mind the moment you become aware of the fear based thoughts that working against you,not for you. This is really the work to be conscious  throughout your day. We have somewhere between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day.Your morning routine is a huge start to your awareness practice that will definitely change your reality.  The next step is to live in your alignment so you can experience your highest potential. When you commit to living and acting from a soul aligned place and allow yourself to be spirit led…..magic happens. You will experience so much joy, fulfillment and abundance is a natural byproduct of living fully expressed in your  divinity.


Day 21 Journaling Prompt:

Write out a couple of pages finishing any or all of these sentences. As you write, as always, allow yourself to free flow what wants to come. All of these prompts on this program is designed to get you to access the voice of your soul and inner knowing. They may take on a life of their own and that’s a beautiful thing.

I believe in miracles so………

God/Universe is my source, so I know………

I am a powerful creator ……………

I expect miracles, therefore I ……………

This has been such an honor and joy sharing this body of work with your. It really fuels my soul to awaken and empower others to live a life that brings freedom, fulfillment, prosperity and purpose. You really can have it all. This  life is meant to be enjoyed with ease and grace not struggle.

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